
Amazing way to take incredible pictures

For a close-up shot, when you directly attach your phone's camera to a surface, all you see is a black screen -  unable to take pictures, right ? But you can solve this problem. Just read the following steps - 

An incredible way for Close-up shots - 

1. Get an old laser pointer

2. There will be a focusing lens glued in there

3. Remove it

4. Get hold of the focusing lens (as in image)

5. Attach it to your Phone's camera

6. Take a picture of  the surface (like a coin)

7. Zoom in for close-ups

So Cheap laser pointers, when slapped on your phone’s camera, makes it easy to take macro photographs. There are some great ideas and there's this, isn't it an amazing idea ? Be sure to click on below link for more

                                    > Checkout More Creative Ideas, Click Here <



  1. If this works, this is an amazing lifeahck. I'm excited to give this a try!

    1. Anyone want to hook up I'm 21 and looking for a mate. Email at

  2. Replies
    1. this was a great idea on my bday.... whats good and new about this year lol

  3. Laser pointers usually have a warning that they parts that emit radiation. Is it safe to deconstruct one?

    1. Yet another reason I have no faith left in humanity.....

    2. LOL I wish there was a 'like' button

    3. Too funny. An Obama supporter most likely.

    4. You're so stupid to say that. It doesn't matter if they support Obama or not, which we all should as he is our president.

    5. No actually, you're actually the stupid one to think that just because some jackass is our President, that we should support him.

    6. Freaking Children!!!!

    7. Stupid people = stupid questions. Stupid people = stupid voters. That's how Obama got into office. How he got re-elected a 2nd time was incredible.

    8. You're aware that a majority of the vote wins an election, right? Unless you're George W. Bush, that is...

    9. The majority of Americans are obviously socialist loving dumb asses that are lazy and addicted to free shit.

    10. Amazing how a tutorial turns into a political debate!

    11. I agree. Let's get back to the BOBBY-PIN. I sell laser lens-gripping BOBBY-PINS on Ebay for $4.99 each with free shipping.

    12. Lmao love it! Yay I'm smart! I didn't vote him either

    13. WOOoooooooow. Actually understanding what you just typed on the screen isn't an option before posting.

    14. You do know this is a cool macro camera not a post asking for you to judge obama.

    15. Barack is still a Statist jackass, however.

    16. Wow--seriously? Off TOPIC--pretty cool with the lazer lens!! Wow-what happened to just looking at cool ideas without bringing in the president/government/politics? Be in the moment.

    17. Another Faux brainwashed sufferer of Baracknophobia - you know the type. They can't pass a post on the internet without bringing up how they lost and can't fathom why and it's all Obama's fault (while caressing their guns). No matter WHAT the topic is. Fortunately for its sufferers, help for your severe mental issues is available, through OBAMACARE!
      I got a cheapo zoom lens flashlight at the dollar store and took the large lens from it so i could try this trick with my point and shoot camera.
      See, that is how you STAY ON's easy, try it..and make sure you get some help for your affliction! XD

    18. Ty[ical Barack sup[porter...ignore the failed economy, the 1,100 civilians killed by Barack's Drones each year, the loss of privacy, inflation, higher taxes, higher unemployment while you grab guns from law abiding citizens because you are afraid of your own shadow. Moron.
      We ALL lost when you naive imbeciles voted that Keynesian hack into office with fewer than 30% of total eligible votes.

    19. Am I the only one laughing at the fact that I, "Anonymous," am totally arguing with myself throughout this whole post? Talk about a split personality! ;-)

    20. "Keynesian" refers to the economics of John Maynard Keynes, not someone from Kenya... either the tin foil hat is on too tight or you've started wrapping your finger tips; either way, best not to even try to THINK political thought if you're not capable of understanding.

    21. Guys, just stop haha.

    22. Typical liberal imbecile...Barack IS a Keynesian...hence the reason I called him that.

    23. Awe its so cute how some people think voting actually means something. It just helps we peons settle down for our masters.

    24. A blog about taking pictures turns into idiots arguing about the president. Get a life.

    25. Actually he is American dumb ass

    26. Charlie bit my finger.

    27. How did we make a life hack about Obama?

      That's ridiculous.

    28. well that escalated quickly

    29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    30. ... If we could Canada would trade our Harper for Obama in a heartbeat. If you are American and think you have it bad with a leader like him then your retarded. Our government here is so corrupt it's disgusting. Seriously please send him up here and fix this shit lol

    31. funny how quickly a photography tutorial turned into a political debate

    32. OMG first off the question this person asked is sooooooooo friggin hilarious!! Really "emits radiation"?!?! HAHAHAHAHA WOW Why would you think deconstructing the lens from it would cause harm, I just can't stop laughing! That question has to be a joke, this person can't be serious?! And second of all the Obama comments, I can't believe the person thinks just because someone is our President that we actually have to support him! lmao umm hello obviously if a person didn't vote for him they didn't want him as president anyways so that just because he was elected President doesn't mean you HAVE to support him. Only if you're in the Military is when you aren't allowed to say "bad things" about the President but at the sametime it still doesn't mean you have to like him and support his ideas and etc. LMAO I just can't believe how funny this post got. How the hell did it even escalate from a silly question about radiation to whether or not we have to support Obama. man I can't stop laughing at this post! TOO FRIGGIN FUNNY!

    33. It doesnt matter who Obama is you should still treat him like a person

    34. Wow love any ideas with enhancing a cell! Thanks for the neatn idea ♥

    35. Nobody is going to change their political standpoint based on anonymous comments on the internet. How about we just stick with talking about how fucking cool this post is if it's legit rather than having futile arguments?

    36. Im just here for the comments! haha!

    37. Typical conservative anti-Obama knucklehead. Yes, focus only on the bad things that happened during Obama's presidency. Not the BETTER economy vs. Bush's term, ENDING the war in Iraq, eliminating Osama Bin Laden, improving America's image abroad, increased support for veterans, improving food safety system, improving school nutrition, expanding hate crime protection, expanded health coverage for children (I am more than willing to pay for this from my tax dollars if it means saving lives), wall street reforms and more consumer protection, etc.

      Do some research, don't be ignorant. And don't disrespect your president. You can dislike and disagree with what he does and/or his views without being disrespectful. He is human like the rest of us. However, I'm not sure why this forum is a place for a debate like this. If you want to talk politics, look for a political forum. Reddit, maybe?

      Anyway, LASER stands for Laser stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Yes, it emits radiation in the form of LIGHT. This is why it's harmful to look directly into a laser from a laser pointer. So, it shouldn't be harmful to take apart a laser pointer.

      That said, this is very cool!!! Especially considering the zoom feature isn't great on most iphones/ phones in general!

    38. The president is NOT elected by the popular vote!

    39. Well that escalated quickly......

    40. What does all this presidential stuff have to do with the question of whether it's safe to remove focus lens?
      Is it safe or not? I need to know to actually try this.

    41. This President stuff ...I have laughed so hard over! I really needed it! Thanks! Even if this convo did happen a few yr.s back!
      All I can say is that people be ready for the second coming! No joke!

    42. LMAO this thread is amazeballs!

    43. I tried this and the reverse polarity burnt a hole through my phone

    44. Seems to me, if your point made itself. You wouldn't have spent pages of time, rewriting im sure, the same message you've been broadcasting. No president is EVER in power. Voting doesn't do shit, and the law makers could care less what you think. It's all about cover-up, and control. The illusion of choice. Something like the choice of a child. Doesn't matter the choice. The end result is the same. Now, being a bully, full of name calling, and toxic judgment. One only has to drop back to those tactics to expose one's true self. And I say thank you.

    45. light is radiation. It is an LED and very dangerous to shine in your eyes. It is not radioactive.

    46. Sad how people can't deal with Barack being president. Deal with it, losers.

    47. ^ someone so full of hate needs to get laid and release some of that pent up stress.... for God's sake, if you had a clue you would know we were in a recession, ya know, digging our way out... now, back to the article at hand.. ha!

    48. The only stupid and ignorant is you, who keeps talking about Barack when this is suppose to be a tutorial. Dam kids

    49. And this has to do with photography, how ?

    50. Well that was... A thing... Anyway, the radiation emitted by laser pointers is concentrated light radiation, so deconstructing one won't hurt you. Normal house items wouldn't emit radiation like the stuff in powerplants and such.

    51. Woot! No, me (other "Anonymous"), you're not the only one laughing. I am too. (Which doesn't amount to much, really; I'm already laughing, but I'm laughing too. If that makes sense. Which it doesn't.)

    52. Oh my gosh, you guys. Arguing all of a sudden about Barack Obama on a tutorial about bobby pins and life hacks. XD

    53. LASERs do emit radiation, light is radiation. They DO NOT emit ionising radiation which is what you are, I suspect, worrying about.

    54. it's safe it's non Ionizing the radiation is on in the form of light and only when operating

    55. Apparently you never read the warning on your cell phone - which admits more radiation then a laser pen.

    56. I am not sure who anonymous i am sending this to the obama hater i also dislike him,However u
      your ignorance is only surpassed by your racism!!! all presidents are just puppets! the last one that was not was shot in the head!!! something you do not use! Your ignorance is only surpassed by your racism!!!..PS I would love to debate you in person,or anyway or any ware. You are simply put a idiot that thinks you know it all,you are a child or a idiot!!! Have a good day,if that is possible!

    57. I apologize to everyone that is here to learn however,i mean what i say and say what i mean,i also am here to learn, i just got angry at the dipshit obama hater,I am a 60year old white Obama hater my self,I do not like obama but my reasons have nothing to do with his color!If u noteced i use my name,as i have nothing to hide

    58. Actually, the Presidential election is decided not by popular vote but by electoral vote.

    59. Thanks to the pillars of the Republican community for demonstrating how pervasive racism truly is. How can a discussion of a camera hack deteriorate into bitter, impassioned name-calling? Hatred, plain and simple. Think of this the next time you suspect someone is 'playing the race card'. Imagine living in a world with people so obsessed with hatred that they look to inject it into every. single. topic.

    60. Looking at brilliant ideas on pinterest obviously and I'm in love, just like the freakish gun fondler I am I'm two years late for the debate and anonymous and his-her personality disorder is so hot and in need of free medicine provided by...

    61. hheheheh its funny to watch silly americans fight over who their leader is and how they are stupid, when we all know that that one person probably has 100 or so people telling them what to do..

    62. have you not forgotten who put America in this position in the first place, not Barack, it was the JACKASS before him, just saying. be REAL when you throw stones or one might ricashay

    63. have you not forgotten who put America in the predicament in the first place? let me remind you that it was the JACKASS before Obama. i'm just saying

    64. Reply to an old post I just found... Hey, I think what you should be upset with about President Obama is this... He quite obviously has a time machine to go back in time to put it in the Hawaiian newspaper showing his birth in Hawaii, to an American citizen and he is not sharing the time machine with any of us.

  4. Anything from a cell phone to a microwave emits radiation, in all seriousness lol.

    1. Of course a microwave emits radiation. It is literally in the name. Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation. That doesn't mean it's ok to disassemble a microwave and emit radiation without the protective door to keep you safe, in all seriousness.

  5. your mom emits radiation

    1. Lol! Your mom!

    2. Microwave ovens DON'T emit radiation, they emit RADIO waves. For radiation to happen and emit alpha, gama and beta rays a nuclear reaction must happen and believe me, you need more than an oven to do this.

  6. This didn't work. What am I doing wrong?

    1. ...breathing oxygen.

    2. try turning it over

    3. you quarter is worth $4.20!!

    4. It only works on

    5. All of you eat ass hole no life having fucks

  7. these are hilarious ^^^

  8. Well it was a good question actually.

  9. Men's bathrooms omit radiation. Women's, double that.

    1. Is this supposed to be funny...?

    2. Look up the difference between "omit" and "emit".

  10. Serious, that's a concern if you do this 1000x a day for the rest of your life.

  11. I tried it and it was so much fun :)

    1. what was the most fun? The camera or the radiation?

  12. this sounds amazing. must give it a try :) this would be such an easy solution. thanks for sharing

  13. Amazing how distorted American Society has become with Obama haters/lovers/ GOP haters/lovers etc. Anyway Lasers emit Light Radiation - very concentrated.. DON'T shine it in you eyes. But it is only LIGHT - LASER stands for LIGHT Amplification through the Stimulated Emission of Radiation .. There are "LASERS" that work at frequencies we can't see - even up into X-Rays - but you'll probably never "see" one of those .. HAH!

    1. Duh... will it still work if I voted for Obama?

  14. The fact that a post about taking better photos turned into a debate on President Obama is absoultly pathetic. Take your options elsewhere.

    1. Agreed! : )

    2. I like my "options"right here. "Should I stay or should I go"...that's my option.

  15. Omg this ^^^ was so entertaining! Lmao....

  16. LOL! Maybe the lens is polarized. Get it? Polarized?

  17. I should put my away. It has a lot of radiation

  18. This was quite comical! So amused... The convo, not that life hack. That was just cool.

    1. Its so obvious dude..your just trying to get a rise or argument out of somebody about some nigger president. Get a life!

  19. everyone on here needs to chill

  20. I think this is a great idea and I haven't laughed so much just reading bantering, even if it is with yourself.

  21. I don't have an old lazer pointer :(

    1. then get a new one at the dollar store or off ebay or something. It does not have to be an old one.

    2.'re doomed for life lol..

    3. this is so cool

    4. Lol. I have never laughed so much reading comments. And the fact that somone need to be told you can just use a new one and it doesnt havent to be old takes this all to hilarious!

    5. Yes Anonymous, you had a conversation with yourself, and that is funny, but you had a conversation with yourself that ran over 6 MONTHS,I would say that justifies a trip to your mental health provider. Hope you still have that Obamacare that you spoke of.

    6. Are they expensive at the dollar store? seems kinda wasteful to rip one apart if they are.

    7. why can't we just buy a mini lens rather than rip lasers apart?

    8. Everyone just needs to shut up. Obama is da bomb.

    9. Anonymous Posting allows Cowards to inject politics (or other off-topic, inappropriate rants) into the discussion...

    10. Well, I liked learning about using a lens from a lazar pointer... What I didn't like... Off topic political crap by people who don't know which direction to place a zoom lens over their cell camera lens.

    11. Cool idea. Sidenote: A loose tongue is often one's greatest liability. Apply this theory to your internet comments as well. If you want to start debates, go on a political site and do so...SMH....

    12. Just play with your Bobby Pins and phones. The radiation is working because YOU forgot to vote in the 1st place.

    13. Seriously? This is why I should join Pinterest?

    14. This string was better than facebook!

    15. no it must be OLD It's against the Obama law to destroy a NEW one

    16. baaahahahaha

    17. An old one will not work. You need a new one, just like we need a new President.

  22. I like cheese.

  23. I hope it isn' factory farmed. Have you seen how they torture those cows?

  24. Must be Obama's fault -.-

  25. Um anyone gonna say 'micro'*?

    1. No, because "macro" is the correct term.

    2. hi my name is rosabel and i contradict your statement DI or whatever your name is it can be called micro or macro no restrictions

    3. Umm, no, Rosabel, micro and macro are not interchangeable. Micro refers to something that is very small. Macro (in reference to a lens) refers to the process of bringing objects that are very close to the camera into focus; macro (not in reference to a lens) actually means something that is large in scope. Completely different words and actually opposing meanings.

    4. Boom.


  26. bahahahaha omg! literally this bantering about the pres. is so funny i just clicked on this site to see how to do it and all and read the comments to see if it actually works and oh...:) haha i love this its real funny. :) thanks everyone for the laugh of the day. :D

  27. what's so funny dude ??????????????/

  28. Do you think its right to invest and keep you money overseas in a bank account to keep from paying taxes in the U.S...(your next man in the running Mitt R.)

  29. His money, he can do whatever he wants. None of your damn business what someone does with their own money.

  30. Are we all done being 4 now???? Thanks for the tip, cool idea !!!

    1. Thank you! They are arnt are they!

  31. Omg, americans! So happy I'm not...

  32. OBAMA ROCKS! !! mwwaahhhhahahah

  33. This is very cool if it works and I too laughed so hard I cried!!! Very funny!!!

  34. Hahaha! This convorsation is funnier than anything on the television! ^^^^^^^

  35. Not for sure if it's the ideal that interest me or the comments made?

  36. My Geiger counter says that my laser pointer is going to give me immediate cancer from all the radiation.

  37. Tried it. Both sides. Didn't work.

  38. This is an amazing idea. Great post, I will have to try it.

  39. If this is so cheap and easy to do why doesn't apple just make a better iphone camera with one????

    1. Probably because they are stupid Obummer voters who never thought of anything by themselves!

  40. It is frustratingly difficult to get this tiny lens out of the lazer. Currently about to beat the thing with a hammer.

  41. Wow. Isn't this about the lens and laser pointer N the phone. How did all this get into politics? Comical!

  42. amazing no one can replicate this in the world

  43. looks loke good accomodation, good for camping

  44. sell it in action, can get good money

  45. Fantastic idea, would like to test on my phone

  46. This is so wonderful and so helpful. Thank you for this. :)

  47. I'm glad I live in Canada and don't have to deal with all your stupid whining about why and how your president got elected...Grow up you idiots. No wonder the rest of the world is laughing at how dumb you are, a life hack turned into a political debate...sheesh...

  48. I had to try this and yes it works! If I could upload the photo I took I would.

  49. I tried it and it tottaly works! thanks!

  50. It is amazing that society is so reliant upon the internet, that it takes the next keyboarding neighbor to inform some that it can be old or new, to educate individuals on radiation, and we depend on a blog to inform us of the pros and cons of political entities. Society has stopped thinking for itself and is now directed by a one eyed digital cyclopse.

    1. I've wondered that for years....doesn't ANYBODY think for themselves anymore?

  51. So some say it works, some say it doesn't. Could you please share details of both of your processes so we can decipher where the fault lies?

  52. Thank you SO MUCH! Great idea!

  53. Great idea! The kids and I will try this out today!

  54. Great idea! The kids and I will try this out today!

  55. Thank you, Anonymous, for your entertainment. I enjoyed it. Yes, it is a useful hack for those who never thought long enough to come up with it themselves (the stupid Obummer voters who obviously CAN'T think for themselves). I am amazed how many moronic brains there are in our country who have to be spoon fed more stupidity to survive!!!

  56. How old does the laser pointer have to be?

  57. Wow, came here for photography tips and stumbled into a whole mess of assbaggery....

  58. Oh my goodness Anonymous, oh my goodness.

  59. you can use a jewelers loop too. place the iPhone camera lens over the loop and take the picture.

  60. Above several comments is an argument. No one (except themselves) knows who is talking. Then it turns into confusion and insults and stuff.

  61. I don't have a cell phone. Does Obama have any more free ones?

  62. That is so cool thanks for sharing this information

  63. i don't have a president

  64. For Petes sake people, why bring it to a political thing. Grow up. Have a little fun!

  65. I remember seeing a thing on TV and this guy just dropped a tear drop of ?superglue onto a nonstick surface and when it dried you could use it the same way.

    1. Have you possible tried any of these? I'm curious. I have been looking at the macro clip on and the fisher clips just today!!

  66. this is my first article since I joined pinterest and I must say I'm so fkn disappointed and haven't heard so much negativity in my life, can't you keep the negative posts to yourself ffs, I'm disappointed at my first encounter, thinking twice about this site, BUT hold out hope that not ALL people are negative on this site and will continue to scroll and hope......HAPPY NEW YEAR !!

  67. What about the dumbasses voting for donald. Seriously, does no one remember his attitude in his show, which is the real him. He will be another Hitler and ruin this country. So many idiot americans. You think Obama was bad just wait to see what Donald does if he ever makes it. It will be a said day for americans. Hey but fox news will portray him as a great leader even though he may be the worst. By the way I am Republican, but not for long if we wins.

    1. Not saying I'm going to vote for Trump but the fact that he has ALL sides p*ssed off gives me great joy. The RINO's need to be made very uncomfortable.

  68. Omgosh. I definitely need to check this out! So cool! Thanks for sharing!

  69. Listen up, the pres, congress, reps and senators and many state officials take an oath to defend constitution, OUR CONSTITUTION, many are only defending how much money they can get from all the business out there. Our CIVIL RIGHTS,legal constitutional RIGHTS and human rights are being sold down the river. We the people are only there , politicians are in office for money and power, we the people are their pawns. They don't care how much harm we are caused by smart meter, they let itron and Utilities get away with not telling the public of DISCLOSURE FACTS ABOUT RADIATION HARM. AUTO MANUFACTURERS AND OTHER COMPANIES DON'T GET AWAY WITHOUT DISCLOSURE.

  70. sorry to ask a dumb question, but what is a laser pointer? One of those things you turn on and your cat plays with the glowing red light?

  71. I am curious about the lens. I am wondering if that can be purchased at the dollar store?
    What exactly would I look for when shopping - sorry with all the "off topic" comments - it might of been there but I couldn't nor wouldn't look through it after the first couple off topic stuff.
    Also, I think this is a great "hack" and look forward to using it as I do sell stuff that requires a macro pic of items.

  72. interesting that we don't see the heavy Sarah Palin supporters here also...Oh my God...let the voters decide and remember some of the worst nay sayers forget to vote. for anyone. enough said.

  73. The warning on the laser is there because even 2 milliwatts per square centimeter of laser light in the visible spectrum will be magnified to a focused power of 2 watts per square centimeter on the retina. This instantly burns the retina. Furthermore, if you take apart a green laser, you may accidentally remove the infrared filter and accidentally get exposure to about 100mw of infrared light (totally invisible). Which is then magnified by the cornea by a factor of 1000 and easily blinding you. Oh, and Obama is the worst president in U.S. history. Just saying...

  74. Will someone please tell which hack has the anti-Hillary exchange? I want to weigh in on that one 'cause Odumbo is old news now!

  75. Error 404 chill not found

  76. "Michele" Obama is a MAN. Barack is then three firsts; Black, Gay and Muslim President.

  77. I miss the days of polite society, when democracy was honored and we all respected the President whether we voted for him or not. He was still the leader of the country. If we weren't chosen captain of the team, we didn't take the ball and go home, we stayed and played together as a team. We didn't call people foul names because we didn't agree with their opinions. Our founding documents state that all people are created equal and have equal rights and therefore deserve equal respect. What a shame the Golden Rule (Treat others as you wish to be treated) has taken a back seat to the "Me first and only me" mentality.

  78. wow what a creativity . i love it
